søndag den 14. oktober 2012

Same mistake.

When I was younger, I had those blogs, nobody read. And why did nobody saw them? Beacuse I made the same mistake, that many bloggers make. I wrote about those really boring things, nobody cared about, like boring parties, and 'Holy crap, it's cold'. In some weeks, I've thinking about making a blog, were I write about my goals in life, and those small things in life we don't see.

So here it is, my first serious blog. My name is Maria, and I live in a country I hate, Denmark. The queen takes all our money, the school system is shit, and we only have 6 beach-fair-days at year. Danish music is just shit and everything they do is a bad copy of America. My mom is from South Africa, and traveled around the world as a au pair, and when she came to Denmark, she met a guy called Claus. She stayed in Denmark, and here am I. My parents got divorced when I was 6, and about 2 years later she met Steven. We moved in by him, yeah, he's my stephfather. My mom got pregnant, and now I have a 5 yr old sister, 9 yrs younger than me. That's kinda my life story basically.

In my new school, I made some friends, who LOVED animals. I was about 8 there. Well, they inspired me, and for 6 years I wanted to be a tiger biologist, traveling around the world helping tigers. I still love animals, and help them, who can't survive, but it kinda started to bored me with all those animals, and I forgot all about it.


I started to take pictures with my phone, trying to act professional. They were not that good, but it opened my eyes for photography. I wanted to be a nature photographer, maybe for BBC, traveling around in ecsotic countries. But now, when I'm older, I found my passion. I found a perfect college in London (I've always wanted to move to London, I've been there loads of times, and it's my fav place in the world), and now I'm saving money to take a 3 yr long course, so graduate to a fashion photographer.

I've decided, to blog about my dreams.


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